Land at Maiden Green, Treliske, Truro, TR36BA

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The development opportunity is located off the A390 at Treliske on the western edge of Truro adjacent to Pizza Hut and McDonalds. Truro College and the Truro Leisure Centre lie immediately opposite the land while the Treliske Industrial Estate and Royal Cornwall Hospital and Knowledge Spa lies to the east. The land lies immediately adjacent to the Truro Urban Extension/Langarth Urban Village which will be developed over the next 5 years to the west and represents the largest single new housing development in Cornwall.

The land comprises some 0.57 Ha (1.41 Acres) and is accessed off the roundabout that serves Truro College and the Pizza Hut and McDonalds restaurants.  The land is accessed off a spur road from the A390 and has the benefit of all main services including mains drainage, electricity, water and telecoms.

Property info

Price:  £900,000
 Freehold Price:  £900,000
 Market Status:  Subject to Contract
 Office ID: PR1804
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 Freehold Price

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